Sick and Shut In - Labor of Love Ministry (Henry Brown) – Visiting the sick and shut-in, caring for the needy and providing encouragement to others.  Inspire members to emulate the love shown by Christ and His Apostles through acts of kindness.  Awards program - Honoree’s from inside or outside of the Russell Road congregation, as determined solely by the “Labor of Love Committee”.  1 Thess 1:3 Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God our Father.

Evangelism Ministry  (William Snow) – Assign prospects to special group of visitors by mail or phone. Design follow-up procedures.  Develop a plan of evangelism and submit to Minister for approval and implementation.  Teach or schedule teachers for cottage classes as necessary.  Work closely with the Minister in reviewing visitors cards.  Assign individuals who desire additional information.

Minister to Senior Adults (William Snow, Clint Chitman) – Survey the needs and consider realistically the area of concern to be included in a ministry to senior adults.  Keep the Minister and church leaders informed of senior adult needs and ministry plans.  Assist the Minister in soliciting deacons and other members to work in this ministry.  Plan and participate in a continuous visitation program of senior adult members, particularly those in hospitals, nursing homes, and homebound shut-ins.

Building Security Ministry (Robert Jenkins) – Safeguard the church buildings and property and property of the members while they are assembled for worship.  Check to see that all outside entrances except the main entrances are locked immediately after the worship service begins.  Open and close building at each scheduled and unscheduled service or meeting.  Insure that the building is adequately heated or cooled as appropriate for each meeting.